by Barb Stillman, Publisher I recently headed to Scottsdale on a special mission to visit Royalty & Co. Olde World Marketplace. I was looking for some unique birthday gifts and knew that’s where I would find just what I wanted. … READ MORE

by Barb Stillman, Publisher I recently headed to Scottsdale on a special mission to visit Royalty & Co. Olde World Marketplace. I was looking for some unique birthday gifts and knew that’s where I would find just what I wanted. … READ MORE
Three of our advertising shops have relocated to Northeast Mesa on University Drive, in close proximity to each other, so I headed to the East Valley to check out their new stores. East Valley Antiques Owners Brian and Tara Luney … READ MORE
by Barb Stillman, Publisher Hopefully I speak for many of us when I say the New Year 2022 will be a good year! We have no way of knowing for certain but we choose to remain optimistic. There are many … READ MORE
by, Barb Stillman, Publisher Historic Globe-Miami is a unique and fascinating area centrally located in the heart of Arizona. I recently spent a day of exploration there enjoying one of my favorite activities—visiting shops! I had the perfect guide—Nora Green … READ MORE
by Barb Stillman, Publisher When I head out to deliver Antique Register newspapers, there are times when I don’t know what I’ll discover or how much fun I’ll have. And a recent Saturday trip to Tucson was one of those … READ MORE
by Barb Stillman Tymeless Antiques & Treasures and Tymeless Antiques & Treasures Too, both in Pine, are celebrating dual anniversaries this fall. Special activities in honor of the events will include sales on selected merchandise as well as raffle prizes … READ MORE
My Vintage Thang along the Melrose curve on 7th Avenue is a terrific shop that I really enjoy exploring! Each time I visit I discover a new artisan as well as new treasures for gift giving, to add to my … READ MORE
Have you ever wondered what it looks like behind the scenes when they are filming a television show—especially one as popular and complex as ANTIQUES ROADSHOW? How do they manage to make all the pieces fit so the final programs … READ MORE
After visiting the shops in Prescott Valley, I had just enough time to visit two shops in Prescott. These two shops are some of the newest in Prescott and I was really looking forward to checking them out. Cowboy Country … READ MORE
Arizona Travels by Barb Stillman, Publisher On a beautiful spring day, I headed to Camp Verde in Central Arizona’s lush Verde Valley to have some fun shopping and exploring. I planned to visit four shops but you never know what … READ MORE