What began as a community flea market eight years ago in the “dusty cowboy town” of Cave Creek has morphed into an old-school antique, vintage, handmade, art and exotic imports outdoor event that is now held in Tempe on the first Saturdays of the month from October to April. Upcoming Thieves Markets—the last of this season—will be held March 2 and April 6 at the historic Big Surf Waterpark lot, 1500 N. McClintock Drive.
Over the years, Thieves Market has become a local staple for loads of sellers—from savvy pickers, Junkers, creative types and inventors to folks looking to unload Aunt Mildred’s house full of antiques and collectables.
Thieves Market is a hot shopping spot for crazy collectors, free spirited decorators, high-octane artsy treasure hunters and weekend warriors! Be ready to dig and haggle at this flea known for its diverse selection of the “weird and wonderful.” It’s great fun and you never know what you’ll find, such as vintage furniture, clothing, jewelry, tools, salvage, industrial and odds and ends. You name it and it’s bound to be in the Market somewhere—and at a reasonable price! This is where dealers shop. And, keep in mind, it features local business owners.
The wonderful and wacky Thieves Markets are held rain or shine from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is $5 at the door and kids, age 12 and under, are admitted free. Mellow pets on a leash are welcome. Parking is FREE.
Learn more, including vendor info, at ThievesMarketVintageFlea.com. There are lots of photos, reviews and comments at https://www.facebook.com/thievesfleamarket/ and info on Instagram. You can also email: info@thievesmarketvintageflea.com.